We are committed to building strong partnerships with the individuals we serve, as well as families and caregivers. Our goal is to be responsive to individual needs, but there are times when someone disagrees with a decision we make. If this happens, you may ask us to review our decision and to make sure all information was considered. We will make every effort to resolve disagreements, through discussion with the person who made the decision.
If that doesn’t help, you may ask to speak to the Executive Director, Jamie Thompson (707) 253-7490 or email her at
If that doesn’t work out and you have a developmental disability, you can contact the North Bay Regional Center Client Rights Advocate. The advocate will tell you how to appeal our decision. An appeal is a formal request for someone to change a decision.
Client Assistance Program
Advocates to assist consumers
Program Overview
Every state is required to have a Client Assistance Program (CAP) to provide individuals with disabilities with assistance in accessing vocational rehabilitation services. In California, the Governor has designated the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) to administer the program. CAP provides free services to consumers and applicants of projects, programs, and facilities funded under the Rehabilitation Act. CAP services involve the analysis of issues a consumer/applicant may have and provision of advocacy services.
The DOR contracts with independent, community based organizations throughout California whose staff of Advocates provide these free services. Each independent contractor CAP Advocate may provide:
- Information about the services available under the Rehabilitation Act.
- Information about consumers’ rights and responsibilities.
- Investigation of a consumer’s issue or complaint.
- Assistance in negotiating mutually acceptable solutions to a consumer’s complaint.
- Representation at Rehabilitation Act funded agencies’ administrative reviews and fair hearings.
Most local independent CAP contractors are located at Independent Living Centers (ILCs) whose services enhance the CAP services through the provision of other types of services including peer support, information and referral, self-help, and individual and system advocacy for individuals with disabilities.
For more information
Client Assistance Program 721 Capitol Mall, Sacramento, CA 95814
1-800-952-5544 Voice
1-866-712-1085 TTY